Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Health: The right food and exercise

This is officially my second Wednesday post and from here on there will always be a post on Wednesday.
As I sit here and write this, the sun is hitting my back and I have a nice cold glass of water beside me. Hello Summer.
 Not to long ago me and my friends made a pact that this summer we were going to cut back on the sweets and eat more fruit, so todays post will have recipes, tips and motivation (I hope) to get you fit and ready for the school year in September.
*This post will not be a regular thing

My mum and I came to an agreement that we would cut down on carbohydrates and focus more on eating protein rich foods. We plan our weekly intake and we stick to it. You could do the same, if you wish.

A Bowel of Bran Flakes 
with low fat milk, 
a side of yoghurt
and a glass of water.

Protein bar with
a small Fruit Salad.

A Tuna wrap
with salad and greek yoghurt
and as glass of water.

Protein bar with
a small Fruit Salad or Yoghurt.

With a high protein intake you can have any meat you want.
Opt for red meat or fish as both are high in protein.
Serve it with a salad or a nice variety of vegetables.

This does not need to be taken to extremes. A brisk walk each day for 30-40 minutes is enough, even if you go for a light jog. 
Squats and crunches at are optional, but if you want a nice body quick I'd advise you to get going!
Lastly cycling is also extremely good for exercising the whole body, but don't strain yourself on your first day, gradually build up the amount of miles you go each time.

Yet again thanks for reading this and I will be back for another post on Friday!
Sarah x

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